Benign Breast Tumor |
What is Benign Breast Tumor?
Fibroadenomas (Benign Breast Tumors)
Fibroadenomas are solid, smooth, firm, benign lumps that are most commonly found in women in their late teens and early 20s. They are the most common benign tumor that occur in women and can occur at any age. Increasingly, they are being seen in post menopausal women who are taking hormone replacement therapy. The painless lump usually feels rubbery and moves freely often found by the woman herself. They vary in size from millimeters to several centimeters and can grow anywhere in the breast tissue.
While most physicians may suspect this type of tumor simply by feeling the lump, generally, the diagnosis is confirmed by ultrasound and needle biopsy. A fibroadenoma is not cancer and does not lead to cancer.
On mammography, fibroadenomas are well circumscribed, oval or lobulated tumors with well defined borders. Calcifications are common, especially in postmenopausal women. Most calcifications are coarse and the so-called popcorn calcifications are pathognomonic for fibroadenoma. In younger women fibroadenomas are usually diagnosed by ultrasound.
Fibroadenomas (and all solid breast masses) need a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. This usually entails a needle biopsy in the office under local anesthesia with ultrasound guidance. The procedure takes less than 10 minutes and is essentially painless.
There are many ways to deal with a fibroadenoma including leaving it alone, surgically removing it, or removing it with a special needle which takes multiple pieces of the fibroadenoma until it is all gone. A surgical excision is a minor day surgery procedure to remove the lump. The latest in oncoplastic techniques are utilized to insure the best cosmetic outcome. The procedure is done in a hospital or surgery center under a light general anesthesia.
Types of Benign Breast Tumor |
What is the types of Benign Breast Tumor?
Finding a lump in your breast can bring panic and fear. However, in most cases, breast lumps end up being benign, and nine out of 10 women experience some form of breast abnormality. according to the American Cancer Society. In some instances, benign tumors can occur due to an illness or breast injury. If you notice that you have a lump that begins to increase in size or cause discharge from the nipple, or the breast becomes itchy, scaly or red, speak with a medical professional to asses the situation. Most benign breast tumors are a result of fibroadenomas.
The following are types of benign breast tumor:
- Fibrocystic Masses
Women in their 30s to 50s who have a fluctuation in hormones will begin to notice a change in breast structure. Hormones that are produced within the breast tissue rapidly decrease and the hormones can cause the formation of fibrocystic lumps. Some women experiencing their menstrual cycles can also form these types of masses, and the masses can be felt in both sides of the breasts. Your breasts may become painful, and the lumps will feel hard or like marbles.
- Cysts
Cysts are fluid-filled sacs within the breasts. When you feel these types of lumps, the cysts will often move about within your breast. They are completely harmless, although they can cause some discomfort. When they become painful, the cysts may need to be drained with a needle by your doctor to check for any abnormality within in it. Most cysts are experienced during menstrual cycles and during pre-menopause.
- Fibroadenomas
Usually these types of lumps can’t be felt, but if the fibroadenomas grow large, they feel like marble nodules and can easily be pushed around within the breast. Fibroadenomas form as a result due to an excess of milk-producing glands within breast tissue. They are most common in African-American women. In most cases, fibroadenomas will go away on their own.
- Intraductal Papillomas
Papillomas appear like broccoli stalks inside the breast tissue. Sometimes when papillomas form around the ducts in the nipple, they can cause the nipple to discharge blood. Papillomas are not cancerous and can be removed by a doctor in a procedure such as a duct excision.
- Traumatic Fat Necrosis
The name can be misleading because necrosis (death of tissue or muscle) doesn’t occur. Instead, fatty tissue forms into lumps within the breast, often as a result of injury. The lumps are often hard and do not cause pain. If they begin to fill with a greasy fluid, they will be drained by a doctor with a needle to reduce swelling.
- Phylloides Tumors
These types of tumors are usually not cancerous. However, in very rare cases, these types of growths can become cancerous and spread to other parts of the body. It may be that your doctor will decide to perform a lumpectomy or mastectomy if the phylloides become cancerous. Otherwise, a benign phylloide tumor will be removed with surrounding breast tissue.
- Detection
If you detect a lump in your breast, it is important to get it diagnosed and confirmed with your doctor. If you have a family history of breast cancer, get checked regularly. Women who have a family history of breast cancer, cancer will have a higher chance of developing breast cancer themselves. Perform regular (once a month) self-examinations to check for lumps. If you are between the ages of 29 and 30, receive a clinical breast exam by a physician at least every 3 years. If you are over 40, get a mammogram at least every year.
Signs and Symptoms of Benign Breast Tumor |
What are the signs and symptoms of benign breast Tumor?
The most common symptom of a benign breast tumor is a breast lump that you or your doctor can feel while examining the breasts. Benign breast tumors tend to grow quickly, within a period of weeks or months, to a size of 2-3 cm or sometimes larger. This rapid growth does not automatically mean the benign breast tumor is malignant; benign tumors can grow quickly, too. The lump is usually not painful. If left unchecked, the lump can create a visible bulge as it pushes against the skin. In more advanced cases — whether benign, borderline, or malignant — a phyllodes tumor can cause an ulcer or open wound to form on the breast skin.
Diagnosis of Benign Breast Tumor |
What are the diagnosis of Benign Breast Tumor?
Like other less common types of breast tumors, benign breast tumors can be difficult to diagnose because doctors don’t encounter them all that often. A benign tumor also can look like a more common type of benign breast growth called a fibroadenoma. A fibroadenoma is a solid, growing lump of normal breast cells that is the most common kind of breast mass, especially in younger women.
Two key differences between fibroadenomas and benign breast tumors are that benign breast tumors tend to grow more quickly and develop about 10 years later in life — in the 40s as opposed to the 30s. These differences can help doctors distinguish benign breast tumors from fibroadenomas.
Diagnosing benign breast tumors usually involves a combination of steps:
- A physical examination of the breasts. Your doctor may be able to feel the lump in the breast, or you may feel it yourself during a breast self-exam.
- A mammogram to obtain X-ray images of the breast and locate the tumor. On a mammogram, a benign breast tumor appears as a large round or oval mass with well-defined edges. Sometimes the tumor might look like it has rounded lobes inside it. Calcifications can show up as well. Calcifications are tiny flecks of calcium — like grains of salt — in the soft tissue of the breast. Your doctor likely will need to do additional testing to confirm that the lump is a benign breast tumor.
- Ultrasound to obtain sound-wave images of the breast. The images form as the sound waves are “echoed back” by the tissue. On ultrasound, benign breast tumors look like well-defined masses with some cysts inside of them.
- MRI to obtain additional images of the tumor and help in planning surgery.
- Biopsy to take samples of the tumor for examination under a microscope.
Although imaging tests are useful, biopsy is the only way to tell if the growth is a benign breast tumor. Your doctor can perform one of two procedures:
- core needle biopsy, which uses a special hollow needle to take samples of the tumor through the skin
- excisional biopsy, which removes the entire tumor
Some experts believe it is better to use excisional biopsy if a benign breast tumor is suspected. Examining the whole tumor is often necessary to make the right diagnosis. The smaller tissue samples taken during core needle biopsy may not be enough to confirm that a lump is a benign breast tumor.
A pathologist then examines the tumor tissue under a microscope to make the diagnosis. He or she also classifies the benign breast tumor as benign, borderline, or malignant. In a benign tumor:
- the edges are well-defined
- the cells are not dividing rapidly
- the stromal cells (connective tissue cells) still look somewhat like normal cells
- there is not an “overgrowth” of stromal cells — there are epithelial cells (the types of cells that line the ducts and lobules) as well
Treatment of Benign Breast Tumor |
What is the treatment for Benign breast tumor?
In most cases, a benign (non-cancerous) breast lump does not need any treatment unless the lump is particularly large or painful. After diagnosing the cause (see Breast lump – causes), your doctor will advise you about any treatment that is necessary. If treatment is not necessary, you may be asked to return if you notice any further changes to your breasts.
Breast Pain
You should visit your doctor as soon as possible if you experience breast pain. They will be able to carry out a physical examination and, if necessary, refer you for further tests. If your breast pain is not related to your menstrual cycle, you can ease the pain by:
- wearing a well-fitting bra to support your breasts
- using simple painkillers, such as paracetamol or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
When using painkillers you should always check the instructions on the packet or the patient information leaflet to make sure the medication is suitable for you and to find out the correct dose.
Danazol is a medication that can be used to treat the pain that is associated with benign fibrocystic breast disease (fibroadenosis), if other treatments have been unsuccessful.
Danazol is only available on prescription and usually comes as a capsule to be swallowed. It is not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women and can cause some side effects such as:
- feeling sick
- dizziness
- a rash
- weight gain
Other treatment methods
Some experts have suggested that breast pain may be improved by reducing your intake of:
- caffeine, which is found in tea, coffee and cola
- saturated fat, which is found in butter, crisps and fried food
However, the benefits of making these dietary changes have not been proven.
If a lump in your breast has been diagnosed as benign it will not usually need to be removed. However, if a lump is large, growing or is causing other symptoms, you may need to have surgery. For example, you may need surgery if you have:
- Fat necrosis, which causes a hard irregular lump that may be removed if it continues to get bigger.
- Intraductal papilloma, which is a benign growth in a milk duct (the tube that carries milk). The affected ducts may be removed if they continue to cause nipple discharge or inflammation.
Malaysia Chinese Master Way of Treatment for Benign Breast Tumor |
According to the study and research of the Malaysian Chinese Master, benign breast tumor can be reduced by using Chinese herbal medicine. Use of traditional Chinese herbs can slow down and reduce the growth of tumor cells in the breast. If you follow all instructions and keep eating the right medication, the tumor may go away by itself. This is because all medication used by the Master can fight tumor cells. But treatment may take longer if the tumor grows large.
Who is Malaysia Chinese Master?
MALAYSIA Chinese Master’s Chinese herbal medicine are important components of Chinese historical culture. And there are parts of the discipline of MALAYSIA Chinese Master’s ancestors’ up bringing. MALAYSIA Chinese Master’s was known throughout the world by 1971 for its anesthesia effects, thus in 1975 the W.H.O. has accepted Chinese Master’s Herbal Medicine. Chinese Master (The Fourth Generation) comes from a long line of family Chinese Medicine practitioners. Fourth Generations, more than 140 years, his family passes on to Chinese Master all the family’s discipline of studies.
Groomed by his father and uncle from an early age, he is considered by many to be gifted in this field. Some say,
“IS IN HIS BLOOD” others says “DALAM TULANG DIA”. As his reputation grew people from all over the WORLD soughed
his gifted TREATMENT.
In 1992, two representatives from Suzhou Acupuncture Institute and Association, a subsidiary of Beijing
International Acupuncture Association, visited Malaysia to observe and identify the standard of practitioners.
During their visit, they were astonished the acupuncture skill and in-depth knowledge of Medicine discipline.
Observing MALAYSIA Chinese Master the way he consulting his patients and performing miracle Treatment for the in-
curable diseases, they were taken aback by the remarkable recovery of patients.
They show impressive over the in depth explanation of the formation of some special diseases and its theory of
eliminating those unusual sickness. Mr. Chou Yang, the secretary of Suzhou Acupuncture Institute and Association
say, “Some of the astrological and timing applications of acupuncture and medication has been forgotten by most of
the China’s practitioners.
They were attempted to compare and collect information of practice, which originated from China, (which still in
practice) and realized that MALAYSIA Chinese Master is one of the few that acquired such skills. Mr. Chou Yang exclaimed that like the entire ancient superb swordsman, precious swords were bestowed upon the warriors of excellent merit. So MALAYSIA Chinese Master, like the ancient sword man but in the modern world of medical, has gain such recognition. The two representatives then proceed to present the set of green bronze antique needles reputed to be artifacts dating back to the Han Dynasty (2,500 years ago) as the Honorable Merit Award for recognizing his skills as a ‘FIRST CLASS WORLD PHYSICIAN’.
Therefore, it is up to you to choose which treatment is most effective way to treat your disease naturally. Act
now before it gets worse. Master always said, “Where there is a need, there is a way …,” and remember
“prevention is better than cure.”
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